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Sell your practice

When is the right time to sell your practice? Is it when things are going well, when retirement is approaching or simply to get a collegial exchange and take advantage of the benefits of a larger group?

Dentally offers various acquisition models that take into account the specific situation that you as an owner are in and ensure that you get the best pay for your practice at any time.

Our goal is to best refine the value that has been created in the practice by tailoring the offer to your time horizon so that together we ensure the best partnership or transition for you, your colleagues and your patients.

If you think that Dentally sounds interesting and want to know more about what your practice is worth or simply take an unconditional discussion, you are welcome to contact us by clicking the button

Evaluate your practice


It is much more difficult than you think to run a practice. Much of the time that practice owners spend is on things other than clinical work.

Dentally acts as a Partner for you and your team to facilitate and free up more time in the business. Dentally can support your clinic and strengthen the results of the business by managing all processes that we are experts in, mainly::

  • Marketing
  • Purchasing and procurement
  • Financials
  • Accounting and payroll administration
  • Patient funding
  • Recruitment
  • Law and contract negotiation
  • Training and conferences

How does the sale process work?

01. Introduction

An unconditional and introductory meeting is arranged

02. Indicative bid

Dentally makes an indicative offer to the practice owner

03. Due dilligence

Information and documentation about the clinic is obtained

04. Purchase agreement

Purchase agreements are drawn up with the final bid and with the terms of access

 We do not believe in centralized processes and top management, but in the local anchorage where each clinic is allowed to be unique. By being different, we can learn from each other within the group through unpretentious knowledge sharing, which not only develops the business and our employees but also builds a strong community and corporate culture. We therefore do not invest in the right clinic but in the right people who are involved in building US's strongest dental care organization together with us. If this sounds exciting, you are warmly welcome to contact us. 

Harry Aldrisch

Co-founder & Acquisition Manager

[email protected]


Evaluate my clinic



    Phone Number

    Name of clinic

